Testimony - Tim Senn

Make Disciples Who Make Disciples

Timothy Senn was raised in Clemson, South Carolina, and was taught to be a moral person and contributing member of society. He was baptized as an infant and thought that he was heaven-bound simply because he was a good person and a faithful church member. He grew up knowing about God, but He did not know God personally through Jesus Christ.

Tim attended college at Clemson University. It was during this time that he was challenged to read the Bible for himself and to examine his profession of faith in light of its teaching concerning the true evidences and signs of saving faith. Upon reading through the New Testament, God began to convict Tim of his personal sin and of his need for salvation through faith in His Son. God's Word revealed the sinfulness of his self-righteousness and told him that his good deeds were as filthy rags before Him (Isaiah 64:6). He began to see that salvation is not by works, but by faith alone (Romans 3:20-24, Ephesians 2:8-9). He also began to see that his effort at self-salvation was in fact rebellion against God, who freely offered salvation through the finished work of His Son, Jesus Christ.

With his heart now being ripe to receive the gospel, in the fall of 1990, Tim's sister Amy invited him to attend a Christian concert where he heard that his righteousness wouldn't get him one step closer to heaven or to God, but that he needed the righteousness of another Person - Jesus Christ. This was a perfect righteousness and a foreign righteousness that comes from outside of him and apart from his own efforts to earn salvation. This righteousness was purchased for us at Calvary by Jesus, and guilty sinners can be forgiven of sin and declared not guilty by a righteous God through faith in the finished work of Christ. Later that evening in his dorm room, Tim asked Jesus to save him from his sins, and he committed his life to Him as Lord and Savior.

The Lord gave Tim an instant love for His Word, and it was as if his eyes had been opened to understand spiritual truths for the first time. During the next 2 years of leading a Bible study in his dorm room, he began to discern God's call upon his life for ministry. He had a consuming desire to know Him and to teach others His Word (1 Timothy 3:1). This call has been confirmed by the outward testimony of others, and also by God's inward working in his heart of giving him the desire to teach others.

Tim received his Master of Divinity at The Master's Seminary in California, where he learned of God's sovereignty in salvation and developed a tremendous and all-consuming love for His church. He also married his wife, Hannah, who sensed a call to be a minister's wife after her conversion in 1991, and who has a wonderful heart for ministry. His time serving at The Bible Church of Little Rock in the roles of both Student Ministries and Adult Ministries has further deepened his commitment to ministry in the local church and to shepherding the flock of God among you. His desire as Pastor-Teacher is to fulfill the words of Colossians 1:28, "We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man, so that we may present every man complete in Christ."