2023 BCLR Students fall retreat
september 15-17

All students are invited to join us for the BCLR Students Fall Retreat on September 15-17. The speaker is Taylor Cain and the theme is Church Membership and Me. Taylor will teach students about church membership. Taylor will be teaching from Scripture passages such as Matthew 18, Romans 14, and 1 Corinthians 12, among others. The goal of our time in Scripture is to understand what the Bible has to say about church membership and why it should matter to students. As we consider this topic, our prayer is that believing students will learn to appreciate and value church membership as the Bible describes it. And for unbelieving students, our prayer is that the Lord will open their eyes to see the beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ as we consider this particular topic.

This year, we are happy to be joined by two churches who will also be sending groups to the retreat with their own leaders: Grace Bible Church of Conway, Arkansas and Crosslife Church of Russelville, Arkansas. 

frequently asked questions

Why do we do retreats?

The BCLR Students Spring and Fall retreats have proved time and again to be memorable and impactful opportunities for students. Retreats are times to step away from students' typical schedules for concentrated time to hear biblical preaching and spend time meditating, worshipping, 

Who is the speaker?

Taylor Cain is the Associate Pastor of Youth and Discipleship at Sylvan Hills First Baptist Church in Sherwood, Arkansas. Taylor is also the 8th-9th grade Bible Teacher at Abundant Life Christian Academy, also in Sherwood. Taylor graduated from Arkansas Tech University with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (B.A.). Taylor also graduated from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity in Preaching and Pastoral Studies.

What should I pack?

Personal Snacks
Prescription Medicines
Water Bottle
Personal Bedding

Do I need to bring bedding?

Yes, be sure to bring your own bedding. The camp has bunkbeds with mattresses. Bring your own sheets, blankets, pillows, and/or sleeping bag.

What's the schedule for the weekend?

Arrive at 5:30PM
Session 1
Small Groups

Session 2
Small Groups
Group Games
Session 3
Small Groups
Session 4
Small Groups
Leave at 1:30, Arrive at BCLR at 2:30

When should I arrive at church?

Try to arrive around 4PM so that we can pack and leave by 4:30PM.

I can't leave that early. Can I come later?

Of course! We understand work and school schedules or other commitments might make it difficult. Just be sure to let Douglas know at sm@bclr.org.

Where are we going?

We are going to New Life Ranch at Boulder Mountain in Solgohachia, Arkansas. The address is 4 Ozark Mountain Rd, Solgohachia, AR 72156.

When will we get back to church?

We plan to be back at church at 2:30 on Sunday afternoon.

What does it cost?

The cost is $60 per registrant, payable by cash or check. There is a maximum family charge of 3 registrants.

Are scholarships available?

Yes, there are limited scholarships available. See the options in the registration process and contact Douglas at sm@bclr.org if you have any other questions.

Why does this retreat cost less than previous ones?

We were blessed to receive a special discounted rate for this retreat and wanted to pass along as much of those saving as we could. We expect future retreats to cost around $100 as in the past, but we are grateful to be able to charge less for this one!

What are accomodations like?

Each church group has its own accommodations separate from the other groups to help ensure general safety and comfort for each student. Boys and girls will also have separate accommodations. Students will be housed with their small group leaders and other students of the same gender. 

Will we have any fun?

Yes! We intend to have plenty of fun. We attempt to design these retreats so that there is a healthy balance of serious, fun, and free time.

What's included in registration?

Registration includes all costs for the weekend, including food and transportation. 

May I invite friends?

Yes! Friends are always welcome. Just be sure they fill out medical release forms so that we can care for them while they are on the retreat.

How long can i wait to register?

Registration is open until September 10, which is the Sunday before the retreat. This is also the last day to guarantee a refund.

Are students allowed to bring devices like smartphones?

Yes, students are allowed to bring smartphones and other personal devices. We encourage students to learn to use them responsibly, including for purposes such as taking notes and looking up Scripture passages. If a student is intentionally causing inordinate distraction or other problems, we may ask them to stop using the device and/or contact their parent or guardian.

Wait, I have more questions!

We will keep this page updated with the newest information. Contact Douglas Allison at sm@bclr.org for any pressing questions. And stay tuned to updates via email, social media, bulletins and announcements!