2024 BCLR Students jr high Canoe Trip
August 9-10

Rising 7th and 8th graders and rising seniors are invited to join us August 9-10 for the 2024 BCLR Students Jr High Canoe Trip! We will meet at the church at 1:00pm to pack up and leave by 1:30pm.

We will be camping at the Buffalo Point Campground in Yellville on Friday night. There we will eat dinner, play games, and hopefully swim.

On Saturday morning we will do a 3-hour float on the Buffalo River. We will eat lunch on the river before completing the float. We plan to return to BCLR around 5:00pm.

frequently asked questions

What should I pack?

Bug Spray
Personal Snacks
Presciption Medicines
Sleeping bag
Camping Chair
Water Bottle
Water Shoes

When should I arrive at church?

Try to arrive around 1:00 to pack our stuff and be ready to leave at 1:30.

I can't leave that early. Can I come later?

Of course! We understand work schedules or other commitments might make it difficult. Just be sure to let Douglas know at sm@bclr.org

Where are we going?

We will camp at Buffalo Point Campground on Friday and float the Buffalo River near Yellville, Arkansas.

When will we get back to church?

We plan to be back at church around 5:00pm Saturday

What does it cost?

The cost is $50 per camper.

I'm a parent. Can I come?

Absolutely! This is a trip intended to help students, parents, and youth leaders to get to know one another and make memories together.

I'm a senior. Can I come?

Yes! This trip is designed to be the first for the new seventh graders and the last for you.

I have a hammock. Can I sleep in it instead of a tent?

There should be some trees to string up a hammock, but we can't guarantee it.

Do I have to pay for food?

No, but you're welcome to bring your own snacks. The charge for the event covers all your expenses. You just need to show up with your gear!

I can't swim. Can I still come?

Yes. Life jackets are required for the canoes and they will keep you afloat if your canoe tips.

How physically difficult is the canoe trip?

It's fairly strenuous. You need to be able to sit in a canoe on a wooden seat and row for an hour or so at a time, and also to be able to get in and out of the canoe. We will gladly do our best to help anyone who may find this difficult.

I have my own kayak. Can I bring it instead?

You're welcome to bring your own kayak. Just be sure there's a good plan for getting it there and back! The canoe outfitters will help with it once we get to the river. You can email Douglas at sm@bclr.org to figure out the details.

Wait, I have more questions!

We will keep this page updated with the newest information. Contact Douglas Allison at sm@bclr.org for any pressing questions. And stay tuned to updates via email, social media, bulletins and announcements!